MC Number
Required for motor carriers hauling federally-regulated commodities owned by others.
DOT Number
Required for all companies that operate commercial vehicles hauling cargo in interstate commerce.
Required for an MC number, this form designates a process agent in every state you operate in for purposes of receiving legal documents.
MCS-150 Update
Required to keep company information up to date with FMCSA, filed at least every 2 years.
This registration allows the motor carrier to operate in 48 US states and all Canadian provinces.
Full Fee
This registration allows the motor carrier to operate in their base jurisdiction only.
Most companies involved in interstate travel must pay an annual federal registration fee based on the number of vehicles in their fleet.
HVUT Form 2290
Annual federal tax required to register most vehicles at 55,000 lbs or more.
For current clients only:
Annual Over-Size
Annual Over-Weight
Hazardous Materials
Single Trip
Temporary registration & fuel/trip permits.
Idaho Road Use Fee
Quarterly mileage report for certain overweight permits.
Oregon RUAF
Monthly mileage report for some overweight permits.
International Fuel Tax Agreement for sharing of fuel taxes among jurisdictions you travel through, filed quarterly.
Oregon HUT
Mileage tax assessed on most vehicles registered over 26,000 lbs, usually filed monthly.
Kentucky WDT
Mileage tax assessed on vehicles registered at 60,000 lbs or greater, filed quarterly.
New Mexico WDT
Mileage tax assessed on vehicles registered over 26,000 lbs, filed quarterly.
New York HUT
Mileage tax assessed on most vehicles registered over 18,000 lbs, usually filed quarterly.
Connecticut HUF
Mileage tax assessed on most vehicles registered at 26,000 lbs or greater, filed quarterly.
We'll use your detailed reports or log into your ELD system to verify accuracy of state mileage and fuel amounts if applicable.
Trip Sheets
We can provide trip sheets or use your own to record the required trip and fuel information we'll then verify.
Paper Logs
If you're using an older vehicle and don't have time for trip sheets, we'll audit your logs to calculate the minimum state mileage.
Fuel Invoices
We'll check all fuel invoices for required information and verify MPG is acceptable.
Title Work
Assistance in titling new vehicles and transferring titles on used equipment, including out-of-state title transfers.
Help obtaining a federal tax ID used to identify a business entity.
Tax Breakdowns
Breakdown of taxes by unit available upon request.
Fuel Cost Analysis
Report showing total fuel cost, MPG, and fuel cost per mile for a specified time period.
SOS Updates
Secretary of State annual report filing and amendments.
Notary Services