Licensing and IFTA Experts
See how we can help.
New Trucking Company Guide
A brief overview of things you may need to get going.

Licensing & IFTA Services for Truckers

IRP, Full Fee Registrations, DOT, MC Authority, IFTA, and more.

Truckers Reporting Service has become the go to business for truckers who are looking for help obtaining DOT and MC numbers, registrations, permits, and filing IFTA and mileage taxes.

Located in Boise, we have worked closely with all types of trucking companies based in Idaho and the surrounding states of the northwest. From brand new setups to experienced veterans, large fleets, solo owner-operators, and anywhere in between.

Whether you run locally or OTR, you have the option of using any of our services available to you. We’re happy to help wherever needed.

Give us a call today to see how we can help keep your company running smoothly and efficiently.

Years In Business
We've gained countless insights into the trucking industry.
Audit Accuracy
We use similar techniques as state agencies for IFTA/IRP and mileage tax compliance.
Happy Truckers
Excellent relationships built over the years with great companies.
Our Guarantee

If you're assessed additional tax due in an audit for a filing we completed, we'll pay the penalty and interest.
(If we received all necessary records.)